Marriage and Family Therapist
Emotionally Focused Therapist
At a memorial marking my father’s passing, people shared story upon story of how he had this ability to totally get into the lives of others, making so many people from young to old, feel special and cared for. Knowing and helping people is something I also love doing.
Below are some specifics about working with me that might help because I’m not the right fit for everyone. I have many wonderful colleagues who work similarly to me in San Francisco and will gladly provide you any referrals if needed.

My Therapy Style
Historically, I became interested in psychology through my love of the arts, specifically dance and later yoga. My MA is in Somatic Psychology (SP). Somatic Psychology integrates neuroscience and body awareness practices drawn from both eastern and western cultures. Somatic psychotherapy assumes that body and mind inform each other, and helps you access unconscious or pre-verbal material.
I started specializing in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy in 2009, and opened my private practice in San Francisco in 2011. Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy uses elements of experiential therapy, systemic therapy and attachment theory. Attachment as described by researchers Mary Ainsworth and John Bowlby is a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person to another over time and space.
Mindfulness is the process of bringing your attention to the present moment. Many large-scale studies have associated mindfulness with greater well-being and happiness. While meditation is the practice most often associated with mindfulness, there are many varied ways to incorporate the practices into our therapy.
I am an AASECT certified sex therapist. I never saw myself becoming a sex therapist, but over time realized how vital it is to address directly in both individual and couple therapy. It’s an area of life that is so important to most of us, yet can be so difficult to discuss. Within the realm of sex therapy my particular interest is exploration of psychological, relational and somatic aspects of ourselves as vital sexual beings.
My current studies involve trauma informed work with Attachment-Focused EMDR.
I live what I teach. I am continually awed by my vibrant, complex (yes sometimes aggravating!) and beautiful marriage. I have had a mindfulness practice all of my adult life and use it as touchstone to navigate the continuous challenges that life has thrown my way. And though I am an expert in psychotherapy, relationships, couples and sexuality, I’m continually honored by my clients’ trust and learn from them every day.
Logistical Considerations
For now, I see clients virtually for psychotherapy sessions Tuesday-Thursday from 7am-5pm. Half my therapy practice are individual psychotherapy clients and half are couples therapy clients. I don't often have many open appointments, so therefore, I maintain a short wait list. This means I work better with folks who have flexible schedules, or folks that are okay being on my waiting list before starting regularly. When we all feel it's a good match and with a little flexibility and waiting, we'll get started.
I work weekly with clients. Not all therapists work this way, but it’s the way that my style is most effective.
One of my teachers once said that I’m a quiet volcano. Not quite a compliment, but I do think it speaks to my psychotherapy style. I’m quiet, but I am a fierce when needed. Both spaciousness and directiveness are important to me and I do my best to employ each at the right time. A sense of humour is also an important part of therapy!